As alternative therapies have become more popular with pet owners, the Elora Gorge Animal Hospital in conjunction with Wellington Animal Rehab and Wellness (Dr. Christina Mohos) are pleased to be able to provide your pet with veterinary spinal manipulation service (VSMT).
Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy, also known as manual therapy, is a safe form of gentle and natural therapy that focuses on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems in your pets. The nervous system controls everything in your pet’s body and is intimately related to the spine and vertebral column. If the joints of the vertebral column do not move as they should, this will affect the nerves that enter and leave the spinal cord. These nerves transfer information between the brain, spinal cord, organs, muscles, and other parts of the body.
Your pet’s initial consult with Dr. Christina will take about 30 minutes where a thorough history, gait analysis (evaluation of movement) and muscle evaluation will be performed. Depending on the condition of the animal and the severity of restrictions, we may need to start slowly with a couple of adjustments on the first visit. Expect to commit to 3-4 treatments to determine the efficacy of VSMT for your pet.
Please contact Dr. Christina Mohos directly (519-846-1800) if you are interested in learning more about whether this type of therapy could benefit your pet and/or to book an appointment!